The Healthcare Supplier Diversity Alliance (HSDA) is in a unique position to host an ongoing forum where all stakeholders can identify business challenges and collaborate on how to solve them. Deborah Williams, Chair of HSDA, released a sincere and optimistic statement, to encourage participation in these discussions.
Are you a minority-owned business? Here is one way that you can participate in the cause: by lending your voice and joining us. Please connect via e-mail at Click here to learn more about HSDA.
Dear HSDA Corporate Partners, Diverse (M/WBE), Veteran and Service-Disabled Veterans and Small Business Enterprises, Community Partners and Friends,
Over the past 3 months, we all have been touched by the unprecedented global pandemic and witnessed unthinkable racial injustice. The short and long-term impacts from COVID-19 will require all of us to rethink our equity and social justice strategies.
As we watch the protest taking place across this nation and the reopening of the economy across this country, it is imperative that we (HSDA Members) not ignore or lose sight of the ever-present CRISIS IN AMERICA: Racial Inequality.
As we look to the future as a nation and as an organization, we must not be silent. Although an eruption of violence is not the solution, we must acknowledge that it is an emotional response to years of abuse and failed systems. To that end, and in the spirit of my grandson, who died from the COVID-19 virus, April 14, 2020, our mission is to…
… Stand for Equality because Black Lives Matter, and … Stand for Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprises that deserve an opportunity to thrive.
- We all have an opportunity to do better!
In the coming months, HSDA will be working on an equity and social justice strategy to help us RISE ABOVE the most prevalent challenges in the healthcare supply chain. Our plan is to empower and provide actionable information to our members:
Adopt healthcare supply chain strategies to promote and market suppliers that provide (1) Personal protective equipment and (2) Innovate/emerging technologies.
Create collaboration to address opportunities and obstacles within the shipping and manufacturing industries.
Develop virtual work and remote learning opportunities.
Provide updates about funding (federal and state) that could help membership.
Support members, especially as they shift and adapt to supply chain needs.
We must uplift all around us with access and opportunities to do business with each other to support the health of our communities.
Thank you again for all your support!
Deborah Williams, MBA, MSM
Board Chair
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